Premium Web Site Properties

These web sites have some of the following characteristics: mature domain names, solid backlinks, good levels of Google PR, significant levels of seo or ppc web site traffic, and social media / blog communication lists.

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Astrology Web Site Properties

This is a series of web site properties around the theme of learning about Astrology. Each sites is indexed in search engines and attracting significant search displays on a large number of keyword phrases directly relating to various aspects of astrology.

> View All Astrology Web Sites 

Education & Training Web Sites

This is a series of web site properties about Education & Training. Each site has been developed (or is under development) and is indexing in search engines. Sites are arranged in specific education & training themes or topics relating to the keywords associated with each.

> View All Education & Training Web Sites

Health Web Sites

These are a range of web site properties in the Human Health niche. Each site has been developed ( or is under development) and is indexing in search engines. Health is a large niche and these sites cover many different themes and topics. Each one is targeting a specific set of keywords relating to a health topic or issue.

> View All Health Web Sites

Money Web Sites

Making Money is one of the most popular search destinations on the web. These are a range of web sites across that niche. They include sites on earning extra money, doing business online, gambling, and investment advice.

> View All Money Web Sites

Environment & Energy Sites

Making Money is one of the most popular search destinations on the web. These are a range of web sites across that niche. They include sites on environment and energy topics such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, buying environmentally friendly products, and careers in green industries.

> View All Environment and Energy Web Sites

Digital Camera Sites

These are a series of web sites built to support a potential digital camera store. The aim is to get some search engine coverage on a series of keywords relevant to action orientated 'buy a digital camera' web site traffic. 

> View All Digital Camera Web Sites